Breathing and Breathing Dysfunction
Breathing is essential to life but also has a profound impact on the overall health of our bodies—our emotional and mental state, metabolism, and other biochemical and biomechanical processes. Dysfunctional breathing is breathing that does not efficiently fulfill its various biochemical, biomechanical and psychophysiological functions for the body. It includes:
- Poor breathing habits
- Poor oral posture
- Hyperventilation
- Hypoventilation
- Breathing pattern disorders
- Psychophysiology breathing disorders
Dysfunctional breathing many times simply goes unrecognized and untreated but can have severe implications on your quality of life and overall health.
Dysfunctional breathing is particularly common in people with:
- Cardiac disease
- Respiratory disease
- Anxiety disorders
- Chronic pain
- Speech and chewing difficulty
- Migraines
- Musculoskeletal disorders
- Reflux and heartburn
Dysfunctional Breathing in Children
Early identification of dysfunctional breathing in children is important as detection and treatment early in life can shape facial growth, development and improve overall health while they are still growing.
If you think your child exhibits signs and symptoms of dysfunctional breathing:
Take our Parent’s Private Eye Home Study Assessment
Nasal Breathing
By design, our bodies are made for nose breathing. Our nose is a specifically designed organ that is part of our respiratory system. The mechanics of inhaling and exhaling through our nose has numerous health benefits, including warming, humidifying and filtering air. Nasal breathing also mixes with nitrous oxide, helps fight off bacteria, and helps ensure better blood flow, lung function and brain function.
If you are not a nasal breather, you may be suffering from some sort of breathing dysfunction.
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