Having a healthy set of teeth makes a significant difference in your oral health, overall health and self-confidence.

Fairport, Pittsford, and Rochester, NY

For patients who have significant needs for restorative dentistry, Pittsford Smiles Dental can perform a full mouth rejuvenation to restore your smile.

What is full mouth rejuvenation?

Full mouth rejuvenation is an individualized treatment plan consisting of various restorative dental procedures. It intends to optimize the health of the entire mouth, including the teeth, gums, and bite. Often, patients who need full mouth rejuvenation have every tooth in the mouth replaced, restored or replenished using a tailor-made combination of our restorative dental procedures.

Full mouth rejuvenation can include, but is not limited to, the following dental procedures:

  • Fixed dental bridges
  • Crowns
  • Dentures (custom or implant dentures)
  • Dental implants
  • Porcelain inlays or onlays
  • Fillings
  • Gum recontouring
  • Veneers
  • Dental bonding

Am I a candidate for full mouth rejuvenation?

Patients in overall good health, but who have several missing or severely damaged teeth, are considered ideal candidates for full mouth rejuvenation.

Full mouth rejuvenation also can involve replacing old dental restorations that have been damaged or worn.

Any patient having full mouth rejuvenation can expect to undergo a variety of treatments, to take place over multiple appointments. These appointments can be scheduled at intervals so that you do not have to pay for all procedures at once.

At Pittsford Smiles Dental, our goal is “elevating dentistry to an art form.” We consider the result of full mouth rejuvenation to be a masterpiece, constructed by the artists on our talented team of restorative dental experts. If you have several missing or damaged teeth, or you have become dissatisfied with your existing dental restorations, contact our Pittsford, NY office today at (585) 248-2575 to schedule a consultation.

Pittsford Smiles Dental proudly provides total oral health care to patients in the areas of Fairport, Pittsford, and Rochester, NY.

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